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What Is CrossFit Training?

You probably know someone who works out at a CrossFit gym. It’s obvious if they’ve been at it for a while. But what exactly is CrossFit training, and how does it differ from other types of workouts? What are the advantages over typical free weight training, aerobic exercises like jogging, cycling, and swimming, or other exercise disciplines?

The short answer is that CrossFit training combines components of those systems into a single system that focuses on functional movement.

CrossFit training, however, is much more than meets the eye. In this post, we’ll look more closely at the following topics:

What is the general experience of CrossFit training?
What does a CrossFit workout look like?
Is CrossFit Training Dangerous?
How do CrossFit gyms look?
Is a CrossFit diet available?
What exactly are the Crossfit Games?

What is CrossFit Training: The Basics

To answer the question, “What is CrossFit training?” it’s crucial to understand that it’s more of a way of life than an exercise approach. Yes, it’s built on a foundation of exercises that emphasize functional mobility, but it’s more than that.

CrossFit training feels more like a team activity that becomes a part of your daily life in the spirit. To emphasize this notion, CrossFit participants are not referred to as “members” or “customers.” They are instead referred to as “athletes.” Athletes are expected to encourage and motivate one another, as well as track progress and celebrate accomplishments together.

A licensed coach leads classes, and players perform the same exercises every day (workout of the day or WOD).

CrossFit training also promotes healthy lifestyle practices outside of the gym (or box in CrossFit parlance), such as adequate eating and workout recovery.

Finally, competitors can compete in the annual CrossFit Games, an international tournament that assesses overall fitness and athleticism to determine the Fittest Man and Fittest Woman on the planet.

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What Are CrossFit Workouts Like?

CrossFit training, as previously said, is based on functional movement. Other approaches, on the other hand, maybe more focused on isometric or eccentric workouts.

It’s also worth noting that CrossFit sessions are varied and incorporate both aerobic and anaerobic activity. Athletes are not bound by a strict daily schedule. Your workout for the day will be very different from what you do tomorrow or the next day. And you will not be forced to run on a hamster wheel. When doing a cardiovascular workout, you will run on dirt, pavement, or something similar.

Let’s take a closer look at functional movement and some activities that you might see throughout a workout.

Functional Movement

If you ask ten people to define “functional movement,” you might receive ten different replies. In the world of CrossFit training, the concept is straightforward: natural, often vital actions performed in daily life. The movement you do when you sit and stand up from a low chair, for example, is quite similar to a squat. A deadlift is when you lift a toolbox or a bag of groceries off the floor.

Functional movement differs significantly from many typical gym workouts, particularly those performed on machines. Bicep curls, for example, isolate the effort you’re doing to that one muscle, but you’d rarely perform that motion in everyday life. To lift an object, you would most likely use numerous muscles. The medicine ball clean or deadlift is a better example of how you might actually lift something at work or at home.

You will build useable muscle by performing exercises focused on functional movement.

Workout of the Day

To properly answer the question “What is CrossFit training?” we must first examine the “exercise of the day” concept. It’s an essential part of the way of life.

Every day, your local box (a CrossFit facility) will post a workout of the day or WOD. These are the activities and formats that coaches will lead on that particular day. These are frequently advertised on the gym’s website in advance.

For beginners, the WOD may additionally include “scaling” choices. In either case, your coach will assist you in appropriately scaling the workouts or will lead specialty classes for new athletes. Coaches also suggest alternate options if an athlete is unable to do a recommended workout safely due to injury or other health reasons.

The WOD serves as the day’s basic fitness regimen, but you can always do more. Performing movements correctly is an important aspect of getting the most out of CrossFit training. You can always spend more time with a coach to fine-tune your technique or work through any issues you may be having with a certain activity.

Examples of CrossFit’s official WODs can be found here.

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Common CrossFit Exercises

CrossFit employs numerous exercises or routines to keep things interesting. As a result, you’ll almost certainly never repeat the same routine.

Here’s a comprehensive collection of moves, complete with video demonstrations.

However, the movements are only one aspect of the CrossFit training experience. To fully answer the question, “What is CrossFit training?” we must look at the duration of the workouts.

You’ll often notice abbreviations in WOD listings that define how long you should complete the workouts or how many repetitions you should accomplish. AMRAP, for example, stands for “as many reps/rounds as possible” in a particular amount of time. EMOM stands for “every minute, on the minute,” and it requires you to accomplish the required number of repetitions in 60 seconds or less before moving on to the next EMOM exercise.

All of these acronyms may appear confusing to those new to CrossFit training, but you’ll quickly pick up on the jargon. CrossFit coaches and fellow athletes are also always willing to lend a hand, which is one of the most crucial and enticing components of attending to the box every day.

What Else Can You Expect from CrossFit Training?

So far, in your effort to answer the question, “What is CrossFit Training?” you’ve discovered the following.

  • CrossFit is more of a way of life than a training method, and it frequently feels more like a team sport.
  • CrossFit exercises are based on functional movement, which is a movement that you are likely to execute in daily life.
  • WODs are varied and serve as the foundation of CrossFit training. You’re unlikely to do the same workout twice.
  • The duration and repetitions of the exercises are also important factors in how the workouts are performed.
  • To make workouts more accessible to beginners and people with health difficulties, programs can be scaled or substituted.

While we’ve addressed the physical aspect of CrossFit training, you may still have questions.

Is CrossFit Training Safe?

Injuries are possible in any sport or training technique. Even sportsmen participating in low-impact activities such as golf feel slight pain as a result of overused joints and muscles. CrossFit and other high-impact interval training methods are no exception.

However, unlike many other forms of exercise, CrossFit training is normally done under the guidance of experienced coaches. These instructors can assist you in mastering forms and methods that reduce your risk of injury. CrossFit also promotes rest days in order to promote healthy recuperation.

Naturally, painful muscles are a part of the process. Pain-relief topicals containing active substances such as menthol, lidocaine, and histamine dihydrochloride can help with recuperation or provide comfort before, during, and after workouts.


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